Primary Formation of May – A Sacred Gift

goldenball2005a1 copyThe year has begun with an amazing formation. There are several things to note with this formation that are important. Usually the Star Nation people seem to begin the year with a formation that sets the stage for the understandings they will be working with in the year. This formation is important because of the timing and the month of new beginnings, May. The formation was announced on May 1st and probably was created in the early morning hours of that same day.

It is interesting that the Star Nations placed this formation on top of an older glyph, that still has its impression in the field, from the year before. It is very significant to me, as I believe that the Star Nation people have never placed a formation directly on top of another. This has become a noticed anomaly among researchers that have put a great deal of attention on the finer details of the Star glyphs. The formations have been done near each other and in the same field, but not one on top of another, at least that I am aware of from my research. It is particularly important to me, as the older glyph happened to be the one that I felt I had caught a team of people returning to their cars, after having made it. This is something that I had encountered in the early morning hours at about 4:00am July, 2004. For those who didn’t read my article last year, I had been awakened that night with a very strange and compelling urge and to be at Golden Ball Hill. The timing of my arrival to encounter these people was impeccable. If it had only been one minute sooner, I would have been off the trail and on the hill. The eight people I encountered, would have been lost in the blackness of the trail in the night, and I wouldn’t have seen them. If I had been one minute later they would have already been at their vehicles or gone. So the question becomes, why would the Star Nations put a glyph on top of a previous one. Is it because they don’t acknowledge it as one of their own? The impression of the older one is still in the field where marks where left after people walking on it the previous year Fig 1. The seed of the last year’s wheat formation has now grown in a rape field. Wheat is a much shorter crop and has difference color and texture creating a difference between the two. It would be like an artist using a little different color paint on and canvas.

What is most important about the formation and its story is what can be found in its geometry. It contains very beautiful understandings. First it is important to realize that it is related to the six-pointed star Fig 2. As I looked deeper into its geometry I discovered that the central set of circles geometry was directly related to the seven-pointed star. You can see in my drawing marked as Fig 3.

Figure 1

Figure 1

This in its self is important, as the understanding of seven is completeness. The center circle being completed as compared to the similar outer ones is an important reflection of that thought. In my traditions the seventh direct is a symbol is the sacredness of within. The formation is particularly important to me as I had just completed my latest DVD called the “The Seven Direction” This will be released soon and available to purchase. It has left me with a feeling of being incredibly supported by the Star Nation people whether it was intentional or merely a coincidence. I am inclined to believe that there were no coincidences because of its very timely arrival. However the Star Nation do not do these glyphs for any one particular reason but have an ability to be incredibly multifaceted with purpose. Of course the six half circle reflecting the spiritual understanding of the six pointed star, show the seen and the unseen realms and is also of the same seven pointed star in. The sacredness of within is a direction that few people hold as important on our planet as this time, and yet is the most important of the directions to be observed. Even the fine circle that separates the geometry is related to the seven-pointed star called the heptagon. It is the base interior of the seven-pointed star Fig 4.

Figure 2

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 5

The story becomes even more important with another unseen geometric shape found sitting between the outer circle of the central set and the outer edge of the outer set of circles Fig 5. The eight pointed star is the most common of the stars found in the Native American traditions and is often painted or found on blankets or wall hangings and has a deep significant meaning. We have what is called a star quilt. It is the star that most represent to the sky or the universe and is the spiritual star. We do not put much attention on its meanings although most understand it in spirit.

It can be said that it is related to sacred sound. It can be heard in the drum, as it is a sound that connects all things together in a sacred manner. It is sacred vibration and is also related to ones speech and how this connects as well. The tones that we put out both as instruments and in our voice carry a vibration that has impact to wherever this sound carries. So it is important that we are responsible for the sound qualities that are apart of or world and what we are putting out. But isn’t it true that whales and dolphin are known for their sacred sound and language. In my ways they are the spirit keepers of sacred sound. Perhaps the Star Nations placed their glyph on top of last years as a gentle way of saying it wasn’t one of their own but at the same time acknowledge their understanding of sacred sound qualities represented by the whales and dolphins. Early researchers entering the field have said there are curved shafts of Rape Seed (Canola oil crop) at ground level. What a beautiful way to begin the season.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Many Blessings