/** *virtual script */ INTO THE LODGE | Bearcloud Gallery


Bearcloud, born a seer, spiritual artist, and holy man has spent a lifetime expressing his visions. He began painting these at the age of five and now owns a gallery that displays his work in Sedona, Arizona. Having grown up with the language of the Earth and the voice of Native elders, stories unfold in his paintings and writings. Bearcloud is deeply connected to the animal nations, raised a wolf and taught hawks to hunt and fly. Feeling the Earth is his cathedral, he listens to the waters and winds for the stories important to his journey.

For over 30 years he did weekly sweat lodge, Inipi, ceremonies and is a Sundancer which expanded his visions further into the mystical realms of Spirit. He is considered a pipe carrying Wacasa Waken, one who knows. He traveled the Earth exploring the connections of Spirit found in other nations who have common treads, for example, Peru, Yucatan, Egypt, Australia, England and Norway. He was the key person to unlock the hidden spiritual symbols within crop circles connecting ancient wisdom to the stars.

When asked about his first memories he shares it was the sound of the drum that sang to his heart. Perhaps it was to hear the story of creation often told by his people at birth. With his paint pallet, brush, poetry, writings and Native spiritual wisdom, Bearcloud intertwines the intricate connection between the Earth, Spirit and the Universe.

His bloodline of the Ni-U-kon-ska nation, Children of the Middle Waters, has given him insight into this unseen sacred world, allowing him to weave a spiritual web of the delicate patterns existing in the harmonies and balance found through all things. He believes this is his mission on Earth and has dedicated himself to magically revealing spiritual truths.

Bearcloud was raised surrounded by a symbolic language that pours into his art and writings and was also the door for making significant discoveries about the pyramids in Egypt which he explains in his new book, Native American Spiritual Secrets. This unspoken language of symbols sings of Spirit touching the hearts of all the people who read and see his work.

  • 390 Hwy 89a North, Suite 1, Sedona, AZ 86336
  • Open 10:00am – 5:00pm Daily
  • (928) 282-4940